Pfeiffer Vacuum offers two basic mass spectrometer models:
The compact PrismaPlus with a 6 mm diameter rod system and a length of 100 mm, and
The high-resolution HiQuad with mass filter diameters of 8 mm and 16 mm and a length of 300 mm.
This is a compact device whose entire electronics are attached to the analyzer and can be removed for bake-out. The PrismaPlus offers the following features:
Mass ranges of 100, 200 and 300 u
A Faraday cup and a C-SEM are available as detectors
Can be equipped with a variety of ion sources and filaments
The analyzer can be baked out at up to 300°C
The PrismaPlus is used as a standalone device and can also be integrated into modules and analysis systems.
These devices offer the utmost in accuracy and possess the following features:
The mass ranges 1–128 u, 1–300 u and 1–512 u are covered by different models.
There are various mass filters with rod diameters: 6 mm, 8 mm molybdenum, 8 mm stainless steel and 16 mm molybdenum
Virtually all of the above-described ion sources can be combined with the analyzers.
All types of detectors, i.e. Faraday cup, Faraday cup and SEM, Faraday cup and C-SEM, as well as ion counters, are available in various arrangements.
These mass spectrometers can be integrated into analysis systems with the aid of input/output modules.
Modules are special process monitoring or gas analysis devices that are equipped with various gas inlet systems and are attached to dry running turbo drag pumping stations for evacuating the analyzer:
The HPA 220 high-pressure analyzer, based on the PrismaPlus. Process pressure up to 50 hPa, manual and automatic gas inlet systems available
The SPM 220 sputter process monitor, based on the PrismaPlus. Process pressure up to 10-2 hPa or 10 hPa through various gas inlet options
The SPM 700 sputter process monitor, based upon the HiQuad. Same process pressure as for SPM 220
The EPD 700 is used to detect positive ions when etching in the gaseous phase and based on the HiQuad. Process pressure up to 10-2 hPa
Benchtop mass spectrometers
Pfeiffer Vacuum has complete systems for analyzing gases at atmospheric pressure based on the PrismaPlus. The optimized gas inlet systems use closed ion sources to obtain maximum detection sensitivity.
The OmniStar GSD 320 O is used for quantitative gas analysis at atmospheric pressure with heated and temperature-regulated gas inlet systems.
The ThermoStar GSD 320 T is designed to be coupled with thermogravimetric analyzers. Gas samples with a high temperature can be admitted with a quartz capillary. The inert quartz surface prevents surface reactions and so avoids falsification of the measuring results.
These devices, or elements of them, are installed by OEM customers in complete devices which may have a wide range of additional functions such as upstream treatment of the substances to be analyzed (such as vaporisation of aerosols) or the supply of calibrating gas mixtures for automatic calibration.