First-Class Service for High-Quality Products

Long vacuum component service life, coupled with low downtimes, are clear expectations that you have of us. We satisfy your needs with capable products and outstanding service.
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We are consistently striving to perfect our core competence, service for vacuum components. And our service is far from over once you’ve purchased a product from Pfeiffer. It often enough really just begins then. In proven Pfeiffer quality, of course.

Our professional sales engineers and service technicians stand ready to provide hands-on support to you worldwide. We offer a complete portfolio of service offerings, ranging from genuine spare parts right through to service agreements, where the modular service system is matched precisely to your needs.

Service request

Take advantage of our qualified services

Use our online service to contact your local service center for your individual service needs. Whether you want to open a service ticket for quick support, are interested in a quote for maintenance/repair, or want to return a product.

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Virtual Service Management of Your Installed Base

More decision-making and planning security

Virtual Service Management is a cloud-based app that allows you to manage all your vacuum equipment in all your plants and locations: Create your own locations, departments and machines as required and simply assign the corresponding vacuum components to them.

The assignment is not limited to products from Pfeiffer , but is also possible from other manufacturers.

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Vacuum Calculator

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Complexity made simple: Which vacuum pump is best suited for your application? Find the right vacuum pumps for your specific requirements with this calculator. You can download your calculation for further use or save it in an account for later changes. Try it out!

Start a calculationcalculate

Document Finder

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Here you can find the documentation you need to operate or maintain our products. A powerful full-text search will help to find the information you’re looking for. Additionally, you can retrieve Step-Files for a majority of our products to improve your own engineering procedures.

Find documentssearch

Leak testing services

Our leak testing services offer temperature-dependent leak tests in the range from -40 °C to +180 °C and a maximum test pressure of 200 bar-a with air and helium / forming gas.
