Leak Testing in Serial Production

The participants will learn the fundamentals of different methods of quantitative leak testing and its practical application.

Duration: 2 days
Language: German or English
Course fee: € 1,120.00 per participant

Leak Detection

Detailed information / course details

Target audience: Users, operating and maintenance personnel
Prior knowledge: Fundamental knowledge of vacuum technology
Beginning – Ending: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Number of Participants: 3 - 8
Registration deadline: 2 weeks prior to the beginning of the course

Course includes lunch, drinks and a certificate

Course content

The participants can basically understand or create testing specifications for mass-produced components and perform appropriate test methods practically. They are incapable of performing further steps to localize leaks on mass-produced components.

On Site Service

This course can also be conducted on your premises. Date, duration and content will be matched to your needs.


  • Terms and definitions in the field of leak detection technology

  • How do detectors and devices work?

  • Physical fundamentals

  • Methods of leak testing

    a) at overpressure (Micro flow)

    b) at atmospheric pressure (sniffing, accumulation method)

    c) under vacuum (helium spraying, integral and partial vacuum method)

  • Exemplary calculations of leakage rates as a function of flow through the leak, operating- and test-medium, pressure, temperature

  • How do I create a practical specification?

  • Practical application of helium leak detection tasks in different areas (coating systems, large-scale research, heat exchanger)

  • Use of different test gases in leak detection


  • Presentation of selected test methods according to DIN EN 1779

  • Practical exercises of common testing methods

  • Influence of environmental parameters: Materials, temperature, humidity, conductance, outgassing, ...

  • Localization of leaks on mass-produced components

  • Application examples of test methods learned

  • Testing of components of the seminar participants (by prior arrangement)

Our course dates

Artikel No.
date_rangefree choicePA T00 321customer-specificAßlar€ 2,200.00*
date_rangefree choicePA T20 321customer-specificInhouse training at customer site€ 1,900.00*

* For customized courses we invoice the course fee per day