Architectural Glass

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Architectural glass is most typically used as a transparent glazing material for buildings. It plays an important role in the development and study of material with new and unique properties. The function of the coating serves to protect against UV-radiation, anti-reflection and has insulating properties.

Application requirements

  • Long maintenance intervals and maximum uptime

  • Carbon free vacuum

  • Simplest on-site maintenance

  • High compression ratio of the pumps

  • High suction speed and fast pump down

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Application report: Broad product range for the needs of the glass coating industry

How does it work?

The glazing material is transported into a large coating chamber via a roll band. Inside this chamber a sputtering process takes place. For this a plasma is generated under vacuum conditions of 1x10-3 to 1x10-5 hPa. A carbon free vacuum is essential for the process and surface quality. Typically high suction speed is needed due to the large surface of architectural glass.

Product portfolio

Pfeiffer Vacuum product line covers all application specific needs. We offer dry and oil lubricated vacuum pumps and pumping stations with high suction speeds. Our OktaLine Roots pumps offer the highest compression ratio on the market and are therefore perfect for this application. To reach a lower vacuum pressure we offer turbopumps with hybrid and magnetic levitation. To ensure a stable and safe process we also offer pressure gauges and leak detectors.