mass spectrometry gc ms a13a1668-d257-41d4-b46c-076e1ce3d7c9

Gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS) is an analytical method that combines the advantages of gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. By combining these two techniques, identification of different substances within a test sample can be achieved. The fields of application for the GC-MS is versatile and can include drug detection, airport security, environmental analysis and to identify unknown samples.

Application requirements

  • Excellent light gas pumping

  • High reliability

  • Low power consumption

Functional principle of the HiPace turbopump in 3D

Functional principle of the HiPace turbopump in 3D

How does it work?

A GC-MS is a combination between a gas chromatograph (GC) and a mass spectrometer (MS). The gas chromatograph is used to separate the sample which is carried through a capillary by an inert gas (typically Helium) and the mass spectrometer to identify the individual components. The output of the GC is then fed to the MS where the sample is ionized and put through a mass filter (typically a quadrupole or ion trap) and then analyzed. In some cases the sample can be further analyzed by using additional quadrupoles or TOF systems.

Product portfolio

All modern GC-MS systems are using a turbopump to reach the required vacuum levels. Pfeiffer Vacuum manufactures a broad range of pumps with the highest available reliability combined with excellent pumping speeds for light gases. To reach the essential pressure range, a backing pump is mandatory. The typical options for GC-MS systems are Rotary vane pumps, Scroll pumps or Diaphragm pumps. To measure your working pressure, Pfeiffer Vacuum offers a wide range of gauges. Several interfaces are available to ensure a proper connectivity between the different Pfeiffer Vacuum products using only one controller for all devices.

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Mass Spectrometry

Vacuum Solution for Mass spectrometry

market brochure mass spectrometry 410e0243-1621-4f69-b498-e95a20e23d06