Behind the Scences: (Un)known Process Gases

1h 25m

Learn more about how to determine a gas composition qualitatively and quantitatively and thus improve your process. Live-Demo included!

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What is the webinar about?

​This webinar will focus on:

  • Fully understanding the technology of your own process

  • Being able to guarantee process reliability at all times

  • The possibility to save resources (costs) and time by means of achieving process optimization (efficiency increase)

Learn more about how to identify unknown gas mixtures!

The qualitative and/or quantitative determination of a gas composition is of elementary importance in many fields. By such an analysis, the quality of a process can be assured or optimized. Furthermore, unknown phenomena can be investigated and, if necessary, excluded.

Experience in a live demo how to perform your desired analysis productively and reliably.

Who should attend?

This webinar is created for those working in the field of Automotive industry, pharmaceuticals, oil, gas, power engineering, biogas, high purity gas production, chemical industry, environmental engineering, but also in the field of University & R&D.


johannes meiwald 38485db7-9003-4b60-9b3a-79988b3b05c5

Johannes MeiwaldApplication Engineer Mass Spectrometry

florian heck 8ef5da33-c6e1-4c69-af96-0ef800a26721

Florian HeckApplication Engineer Mass Spectrometry