The air venting valve is installed on the pump exhaust port, Allows to reduce the braking time fo the pump, The purge of this valve may be isolated during an air tightness test, For ATH 500 M
Air venting valves, for Magpower and OBC V4, The air inlet valve is installed on the pump exhaust port, Allows to reduce the braking time fo the pump, The valve is powered by the controller. 11 slm flow rate., The valve is activated wen the pump speed is below 10,000 rpm., The valve is normally closed. May be used with dust filter
The screen protects the pump against solid particles, It is integrated into the pump housing, All ATH M and ATP M pumps are delivered with inlet screen
The screen protects the pump against solid particles, It is integrated into the pump housing, All ATH-M and ATP-M pumps are delivered with inlet screen
Set of brackets to bolt the pump to the floor
To reduce noise level transmitted to the pump exhaust line during cycling
The UHV and HV greases from Apiezon® are based on mineral greases and are silicone-free, Lower vapor pressure than silicone grease, No creeping, The Apiezon®-greases we offer are optimized for various areas of application
Don't worry we won't leave you in a vacuum