mass spectrometry icp ms 03df09c6-ce0f-42eb-9e2b-858bd40c7fb5

ICP-MS is a type of Mass Spectrometry that utilizes an Inductively Coupled Plasma to ionize a sample for the attached mass spectrometer which is typically a quadrupole system. This technique works well to show trace elements in water, soil and metals and is often used in the nuclear, medical and environmental industries to identify trace elements.

Application requirements

  • Different vacuum pressures in different stages

  • High reliability

  • High pumping speed of backing pump

Functional principle of the HiPace turbopump in 3D

Functional principle of the HiPace turbopump in 3D

How does it work?
The ICP-MS is based on the ionization of the material that is to be analyzed with plasma at about 5,000°-10,000°C. To produce the plasma, a high frequency current is applied to ionize Argon. Out of the plasma, the ions pass through two cones, which are named sampler and skimmer, to the vacuum system of the mass spectrometer. After focusing by the ion lens, the ion beam will be separated in the mass filter system.

Product portfolio
Mass spectrometry requires different pressures throughout the system. In most cases a single customized "SplitFlow" turbopump instead of n+ 1 discrete pump can be designed to meet the specific requirements of each system. Pfeiffer Vacuum turbopumps offer unmatched flexibility in pump design. In addition, our supreme calculation and design capability will lead to the perfect solution for your system. In addition to turbopumps, backing pumps are also required for system operation. LCMS systems have very high flow so the main requirement of the backing pump is to handle that gas load while also getting to a pressure low enough to operate the turbomolecular pump. Pfeiffer Vacuum also offers a wide range of gauges to measure the pressures in your system and fore line connection. Several interfaces are available to ensure a proper connectivity between the different Pfeiffer Vacuum products using only one controller for all devices.

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Mass Spectrometry

Vacuum Solution for Mass spectrometry

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