Leak Testing of Hermetically Sealed Objects - Revealing the Secrets




8:00 AM UTC

1h 00m

Leak testing of hermetically sealed components has a few secrets to performing and evaluating the measurements – we’ll reveal them to you!


What is the webinar about?

​Tightness is essential for a reliable long-term functionality of devices like pacemakers, other medical implants, microelectronics as well as sensors and relays. What these products have in common is a hermetically sealed enclosure. The method of choice for leak testing of these parts is the so-called bombing or back-pressurizing technique.

We will give a brief overview of the methods applied to leak testing hermetically sealed products and emphasize bombing with helium. During this webinar, we will walk through the workflow of a helium bombing test including

  • tracer gas charging,

  • measurement, and

  • data interpretation.

We will explain the parameters which have an influence on test results, show simulations of tests, and compare theory with experimental data. The do’s and don’ts for sample preparation will be discussed, as well as how to carry out the test and interpret results. Join us in understanding why timing recipes are important and why a test result may be identical for a small leak and a large leak.

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Dr. Rudolf KonwitschnyApplication Expert Leak Detection

Dr. Philipp SchurigMarket Manager Industrial Leak Testing

Who should attend?

This event is a must for all working with hermetically sealed objects in design, R&D, quality, process management, or operations.

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Further sessions of this webinar topic

October 29th: 5:00 PM GMT+2