Leak Testing of Fuel Cells – The Hydrogen Side

1h 00m

Current status and best practice for leak testing of hydrogen containing components in fuel cell applications.

webinar leak detection fuel cell fe78c12e-c16c-4e34-bb22-2fcaa674e1ae

What is the webinar about?

This Webinar will focus on quantitative and localizing leak testing of:

  • Bipolar plates

  • Stacks

  • Tanks

  • Hydrogen supply system

In the dynamically emerging field of fuel cell applications, there is high uncertainty regarding best practice of integrity testing for major components of the hydrogen circuit. Many parameters of leak testing such as pass/fail criterion, methods, applied pressure during the test, different regulations for homologation and serial testing are generating irritation among the users.

In our webinar we will discuss best practices and give guidance in various applications for selected components on the anode side of a fuel cell supply system. This covers components mentioned above and various leak testing procedures with air and tracer gas.

Who should attend?

This webinar is specially created for those working in the fields of Renewable Energy & Environment, Automotive, Chemistry, Maritime Shipping: Engineering, Development, Project management.


rudolf konwitschny 25bb6816-4f2c-4763-9327-bc121b70bd04

Dr. Rudolf KonwitschnyLeak Detection Expert

jonas dobner 94699cd0-b68d-449b-85ba-5dfe11063a70

Jonas DobnerApplication Manager