Leak Test of Hermetically Sealed Objects

1h 0m

Best practice of leak testing of hermetically sealed devices in microelectronics, sensor technology, and medical implants.

webinar leak test hermetically seald objects web 47c9296b-4e81-4dc9-839e-64ea702468e1

What is the webinar about?

Method overview:

  • Fine leak tests and gross leak tests with focus on helium fine leak test

  • Helium fine leak test - from displayed leak rate to real leak rate

  • Influences on the test result

  • Sensor test – a case study

Testing of hermetically sealed objects like encapsulated electronics or batteries often puzzles operators. This is due to poor repeatability of the test and discrepancies between the displayed test results and real leak rates. Repeatability of the test is influenced by a potential change of the tracer gas amount inside the unit under test. The test result is influenced by parameters like exposure time, bombing pressure and waiting time between end of helium pressurization and leak test.

The webinar describes the test sequence, the parameters which have an influence on the test result, will show simulations of tests and compare the simulations with test recipes defined in relevant regulations and real experiments.

Who should attend?

This webinar has been created for those in the fields of Electronics, Sensors and Medical implants: Research & Development, Quality management and Operation.


rudolf konwitschny 0bb9cdd1-0ea2-4eb2-903e-e1a818ffe817

Dr. Rudolf KonwitschnyLeak Detection Expert

jonas kloes 055b5689-f611-401f-9d78-9e101c62421e

Jonas KlösApplication Manager