How to Reduce Vibroacoustic Emissions for Your Turbopumps?

1h 00m

In this webinar you will learn how to achieve the optimal results for your mass spectrometry and electron microscopy application.

Webinar Vibroacoustic Emissions Turbopumps Pfeiffer Vacuum

What is the webinar about?

This Webinar will focus on:

  • What is unbalance und why do turbopump rotors need to be balanced?

  • What influence do unbalances have on vibroacoustic emissions?

  • What are the benefits of using Laser Balancing technology?

What are the advantages for the operation of microscopes and mass spectrometers?

Clean and reliable vacuum is a crucial requirement for scientific applications as well as industrial processes. Especially in the field of secondary properties, the requirements for turbopumps have increased over the last decade. A low vibration operation as well as low imbalance are requirements for numerous applications. Pfeiffer Vacuum has developed the Laser Balancing technology here, an innovation that provides improved durability and lower vibration as well as noise emissions. Low vibration operation is particularly relevant in microscopy applications with integrated turbopumps in order to obtain high-resolution images.

Why do rotors need to be balanced at all? What is the difference between conventional practice and balancing with the patented Laser Balancing method? And what advantages does it offer especially for electron microscopy and mass spectrometry? In the webinar you will learn how to achieve the optimal results for your application.

Who should attend?

This webinar is designed for beginners as well as advanced users with focus on mass spectrometry and electron microscopy.


Viola Schaefer

Viola SchäferMarket Manager R & D

Pascal Wielsch

Pascal WielschDevelopment Engineer