​​Break the Ice: CCI Testing at Low Temperatures

1h 00m

​Discover the new cutting-edge solution for ensuring container closure integrity in deep cold storage, including comparison to commonly used technologies.

Webinar Coldstoragetesting

What is the webinar about?

There is an increasing trend toward high-value biologics, the requirements for reliable closure systems have become even more critical. More and more live viral vaccines, gene therapies, or products that contain active cells are being developed and are coming onto the market. Most of them require cold storage conditions to maintain stability and/or activity. This forces the manufacturer to prove that the container closure system maintains integrity at deep cold storage, either at -80°C or even below. The question is: How can we adapt our container closure integrity test strategy for these new requirements? 

In this webinar you will: ​

  • ​Learn about the advantages and challenges of commonly used technologies like helium mass spectrometry and headspace gas analysis for for CCI (Container Closure Integrity) at low temperatures. 

  • Discover a new and unique approach to helium leak testing and learn how it can enhance your CCI procedures at low temperatures.

  • Explore how an innovative solution, providing genuine alternatives and more detailed data, can simplify your life!

Join us for 45 minutes and learn more about how known (but also new) container closure integrity test methods can help you break the ice and step up your testing strategy at low temperatures. 


Lukas Engel

Lukas EngelLeak Detection Application Engineer Pharma

Philipp Bunod

Philippe Bunod​Market Manager Industrial Leak Testing

Who should attend?

​​This webinar is aimed at people from the pharmaceutical and biotechnology sectors who work in quality assurance, as process or project engineers, for example, and have points of contact with ensuring container integrity at freezing temperatures, regardless of their level of knowledge.​​​​